Practice Freedom Leading and Scaling Your Private Healthcare Practice

139: Attracting Your Perfect Patient | Matty McLain

Episode Summary

Do you ever wonder how the best healthcare practices magically attract the right patients? On this episode of Practice Freedom, join Mark and guest Matty McLain of Boost Patients as they unpack niche marketing in healthcare—where specialization is the cornerstone of thriving practices.

Episode Notes

Do you ever wonder how the best healthcare practices magically attract the right patients?

On this episode of Practice Freedom, join Mark and guest Matty McLain of Boost Patients as they unpack niche marketing in healthcare—where specialization is the cornerstone of thriving practices. From bariatric surgery to LASIK, we dissect the strategies that help clinics become magnets for their ideal clientele. We contrast healthcare marketing's unique hurdles with those of other industries and spotlight the roles within a marketing team that can make or break your practice's growth.

In the complex world of healthcare, community and competition often intermingle. This episode takes you behind the scenes of bariatric surgery marketing, where creating a network of knowledge-sharing clinics through masterminds is transforming the industry. Matty shares Boost Patients' journey in becoming a linchpin for clinics nationwide, nurturing a culture of collaboration over competition. Plus, we delve into the granular details of marketing for specialty procedures and discuss the balance between specificity and scalability for businesses aiming to branch out without losing their core focus.

In patient communication, personalization reigns supreme. We explore successful lead generation tactics, modernizing the age-old adage of “the customer is always right” to a more nuanced “the right customer is always right.” Learn how targeted strategies, such as Facebook ads and diligent follow-up systems, revolutionize patient engagement. And for those at the helm of health ventures, stay tuned for our insights on choosing flourishing sectors, the merits of staying niche-focused, and the power of collaboration among entrepreneurial healthcare leaders.

Ready to revamp your practice? We've got the blueprint.

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