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How Finding Your Purpose In Entrepreneurship Leads to Happiness and Success | Ted Bradshaw

Episode Summary

Ted Bradshaw is an advocate for living the best life. His career spanning over 20 years is a testament to this—from his days being an executive with giants like Xerox and IBM, to acquiring an unprofitable company that he eventually turned into a healthy business. His body of work as an entrepreneur is an impressive feat too. For instance, he has dabbled in diverse pursuits, like an education software business that was the first of its kind in North America, a video game company in partnership with The National Hockey League, and a medical isotope firm. Today, you will find him in his sweet spot, helping leaders lead purpose-driven lives through what he calls Essential Symmetry. He does this through his speaking engagements as a Certified EOS Implementer slash Community Leader worldwide.

Episode Notes

Can success and happiness ever coexist in the same plane? As an entrepreneur, have you ever found yourself in the thick of success, but not feeling happy anyway? There seems to be that ever prevailing gap between the two concepts, but it’s not impossible to achieve both. Today, I am joined by Certified EOS Implementer and fellow entrepreneur Ted Bradshaw, as he shares the secrets to finding your purpose, aligning your life and business, and living your best life while doing so.  

2:53 What the entrepreneurial journey looks like - from the beginning to the end

12:05 How the disconnect of your definition of success to your partners’ can lead to bumps along the way

15:44 How hitting rock bottom and getting out of that dark place differs for different people

22:11 Dissatisfaction arises when you identify a gap between where you are and where you want to be.

26:39 Ted paints a picture of essential symmetry, and how it can help us with prioritization that could lead to a harmonious life

32:04 Start with understanding what your purpose is. 

39:15 To reach the top of your game, you need three things: a strong passion, a great work ethic, and talent.

44:37 If we can really find what truly is our purpose, not only are we going to be a more successful entrepreneur, we are likely to come out of the other side with relationships intact. 

53:05 How to find your “why”

59:39 When entrepreneurs are in their sweet spot, that’s where they can get the maximum impact. 

1:10:26 The expanded definition of entrepreneurship

1:23:13 Ted’s passionate plea to entrepreneurs

"Ask yourself why you're doing what you're doing. "





Production credit:

Engineering / Post-Production: Jim McCarthy
Art / Design: Immanuel Ahiable

Episode Transcription

You're Doing It Wrong - Ted Bradshaw

Wednesday, February 17, 2021


people, entrepreneurs, business, purpose, talent, world, mark, find, life, feel, passion, friends, plan, talking, point, successful, partners, question, calling, partnership


VO, Ted, Mark


Mark  00:00

So we're rolling, cool. We are live. This is you're doing it wrong with Mark Henderson, Larry and my name is Mark, I have a passion that you should feel in control of your life. And so what I do is I help you get control of your business. And part of how I do that is by letting you listen in on a conversation between two people who have a passion for excellence in the entrepreneurial world, talking about something you already know something about, but this time, we're digging deeper and getting into the details. So you can start to learn more. So you can unlock those secrets and break through that ceiling so you can live your best life. Ultimately, running the best business and living that life you want. Before we dive in, of course, don't forget to subscribe, share with your friends, give us a feedback, we'd love it all all the good and the bad. It's everything we can do to be our best and all that is so helpful to us. So without further ado, I want to I want to get into this conversation with my friend Ted. Ted discovered his passion for entrepreneurship when he acquired an unprofitable and dysfunctional distribution company and transformed it into a profitable business. And along his journey, he started and successfully led five companies, including educational software business video game company in partnership with the National Hockey League, and a medical isotope firm, which if you don't know is radioactive chemicals you put in your body. And so that's, that's important stuff, is what Ted does today is he helps entrepreneurs as a speaker, he's a certified us implementer, like me, and he's the community leader for us worldwide are one of the community leaders. And so, Ted is also deeply passionate about helping leaders to be their best selves through leading purpose driven lives and what he calls living in essential symmetry. So welcome my friend, Ted Bradshaw.


Ted  01:49

Well, thanks very much, Mark. And that last sense, was a mouthful. So I appreciate it. And I am thrilled to be here. Thanks for having me.


Mark  01:59

Man. I'm looking forward always been looking forward to this conversation. Because every every time you and I talk, we crack open some layers on what it is to live the best entrepreneurial life, which I think is deceptively challenging. Have you cracked the code, my friend? Well,


Ted  02:18

have I cracked the code, I would be probably a little over confident if I suggested I cracked the code. I think I have a good view to the path to get there. I have a pretty good view of the path to get there. Because I've certainly been down some of the wrong paths.


Mark  02:39

So take me to the end. This is this is genius and inspiration. Right? I'm gonna begin with the end in mind, which of course, actually, and as I say, this borrowed from Stephen Covey. You know, what's the what is what does that life look like? describe that?


Ted  02:53

Well, first of all, the entrepreneurial journey getting there often comes with the ups and the downs and the trials and the tribulations and, and the heartache and in the in the winds, and so when, when we get there, and so this is getting to the end, so we get through to wherever we think we're going. And as entrepreneurs, we can be so laser focused on our businesses that we assume that the rest of the people and relationships in our lives are happy to be coming along for the ride. Well, maybe what's occurring is that they are our number one biggest supporters and fans. But they are waiting for their due they're waiting for their time. And so what does the What does the end look like? I think the end looks like when the entrepreneur actually finds a place where they are starting to live for others in a way that's been a destiny for themselves. They're living for others, but it's in a in a way that's been a destiny for themselves.


Mark  04:14

That's the end. That's the end. So what what problems do we have? We, you and me are friends when we don't have that? Well,


Ted  04:32

I went a bit when we're, at least for me, and when I was growing my businesses and I was a prototypical set a goal. Try to achieve the goal reach the goal is this set, set another goal reach the goal? Is this it and continuing to try to raise the bar and for my experience with that is Along the way, I would tell myself that this is all in the effort of trying to build something great, do something great. And very much making it about other people, whether that would be the audience that I was trying to reach and the market need that I was trying to satisfy. Or whether that was the people that worked within my companies or my partners. And then I would even extend that to my, my wife, my kids, my friends. And in a lot of ways, I fooled myself that all of this energy that I was spending was for other people. When ultimately, I was trying to satisfy something in myself. And what it can look like when you live that way, is when, for me when I wasn't in true congruence with what it was that I needed, I would have to get my source of accomplishment through these other things. And whether that was the business deal, the growth of the growth of the company, you know, spending time and my kids hockey games, or dance recitals, and feeling like I'm being the good dad, the good owner, the good manager, the good husband, ultimately, just setting myself up for potential disappointment, when whatever it is, in those areas that went that didn't go right, was a reflection on my inability to achieve the things that I ultimately was trying to set out to achieve. And so even though I would, as I just said, set a goal, reach a goal move on, was I really reaching the right goals?


Mark  06:59

So I'm hearing that is, you would set a target with some confidence that it was going to make you feel good, you would get there and you would go Yay. And and but something was empty, something didn't quite satisfy the like, you had a big bite of the big burger and you're like, why do I still feel hungry?


Ted  07:16

Exactly. Exactly.


Mark  07:18

What was the moment that comes to mind where you we really started to get some clarity on what was wrong.


Ted  07:30

I had a business that one of them one of the businesses that first dysfunctional distributor company that that I that I started or acquired. I had two partners in that business. And my role in the business was to diversify to other businesses. So in our terms that we use in EOS, the visionary, and so that was me, and my partners were responsible for running the day to day operations of the distribution, distribution and sales company. And that that relationship lasted almost 20 years, and it was a successful business. The relationships had its ebbs in its flow there, its ebbs and flows are other businesses along the way. Some were successful, some were not. At the end of that chapter, it was coming off of an unsuccessful venture and unsuccessful attempt to develop some real estate. And without getting into the gory details, it was it was the straw that broke the camel's back as far as the relationship between myself and my two partners. And they approached me with a suggestion that maybe it was time to end the business partnership. And so this was one of those things that I knew was coming in it was almost like watching a you know, a train wreck or a car crash or just in slow motion and in my case, it was yours watching this. But finding ways to continue to just persevere stay with it. And I think all sides of the all three of us were doing this in various forms until you just can't do it anymore. And it took them shaking me out of it to really bring the brutal reality of maybe everything that I was trying to do, and that I was seemingly having success with wasn't Access at all. And, and so that partnership came to an end. And it forced me into a place of vulnerability uncertainty. I had always had partners in all and so at this at this stage, there were, we had, I think, six different businesses over the course of the 20 years. And in every single case, I had a partner, or partners, so partnership was not new to you, that you this was not some sort of naive expectations in partnership, you were a veteran of managing multiple influencers at that level. Absolutely. Yeah. And, and really enjoying it. And, and feeling like, you know, we can, it's cliche, but we're gonna do more together than we will do on our own. And, and so I was very comfortable with partnerships. So that this was this was a, this was a real, a real moment in there weren't any partners anymore, the other businesses had come to their logical conclusions. As I said, some very successful and others not, but all of them concluded in a, there was a nice tidy bowl that could be could be tied around those other experiences, and leaving the partnerships and the relationships intact, was very important to me. This was not going to happen in this case, these these relationships, were not going to be left intact.


Mark  11:41

So what's the what's the issue for you that you have an identity tied up in this that's being ripped apart? You think you're doing good work? And suddenly there's people who don't seem to agree with that? Or is it if I dissolve this partnership, then I'm then I'm a failure, what, you know, what's what's really your dissonance at that stage?


Ted  12:05

The my definition of success, and the journey was different than my partner's definition of success and the journey. And where where we became disconnected. is an I didn't realize it at the time. There was a promise that I made to them, that I felt I was on the course of fulfilling, although not yet fulfilled. And I believe they lost faith that that promise would ever be fulfilled. faith in me.


Mark  13:00

Did you? I mean, maybe looking back, what? How did you see that as true? Were they were they right? Or were you were you? Did you get an unfair shake at that?


Ted  13:15

Well, this is five years ago, Mark. And so after you asked me this question five years ago, is complete unfair shake. It was completely one sided, it was completely two against one, because that's what it was. And that's the way I would have viewed it. And I had a very hard time seeing beyond my own self pity. Now, with the benefit of hindsight, and the benefit of the experience, and fortunately, brighter roads that developed after that, I'm now able to come to terms with it absolutely was me. That absolutely was me. And that's a scary place to be, at the end the moment when it is you and you don't know it, and you're not prepared to acknowledge it. And everything that has everything that you have, and these are these are these are good things and but every, every bit of every bit of resentment that you carry every bit of regret, that it's just like you, for me, the successes that I could vary, I could own the successes, you know, I could acknowledge the successes, but I certainly wasn't prepared to advertise the, the uglier side, even to myself.


Mark  14:55

Well, so we're changed


Ted  15:01

I had to hit the bottom. And in this case, the bottom is not some tragedy and this is where I think this is why I love what you're doing mark. With with entrepreneurs it's a it's a tricky thing, because from the outside, what do you have to complain about? From the outside? You have a successful business, it's you're in business, you're generating money, you have a nice family, you have the big house, you have the second house. In some cases, you have the plane,



you know, yeah,


Ted  15:44

what more do you want, like who like, I don't want to hear about your, I don't want to hear about your problems. And that can you can look at that, and you can look at someone's someone else's misfortune. And you can say, well, geez, compared to that person, I have nothing to complain about. And so when I say when I say rock bottom, it, this is coming from a place of we, we have to deal with the cards we're dealt, and whatever you do with those cards and your circumstances, and some of us are luckier than others, and some get an opportunity to be put in places for success, where it takes others a different, you know, different, a different path and a different course, but for all of us, whatever that development is, and whatever that growth is in that success, it's relative, it's relative. And so when I say rock bottom, and I also understand rock bottom from the standpoint of coming from a dysfunctional abusive family. So I understand the emotional rock bottom, and starting from nothing without a lot of money, and all of the other maybe more discussed, you know, rock bottom topics, right. So I understand that too. For me, though, this rock bottom was I really wasn't where I thought I'd be by that stage in my life. And at that time, I was 45 years old.


Mark  17:30

Okay, okay. And it's not it's an important time in life for a lot of people. Certainly, certainly, I got to go on a limb, certainly that men especially seem to have a challenge between mid 30s and, and mid 40s. So that makes a lot of sense. To me, that would be the time for that.


Ted  17:51

Well, for men, it's it's either first or second. And I think it might be first it might be the highest percentage of suicides occur in the 40s. And I might have, so for men for men. And you know, there is adolescence in the teen years. And those are the troubling times as well as you're trying to find your identity. But imagine this and I can only empathize with and I can't remember really my, my 16 year old self so much on you know, what were my emotions at that time. But there's a time when you're trying to figure it out, right? There's a time when you are, you're not dependent on your parents anymore. You need your parents but you're you're trying to be your own person, there's this whole world that ahead of you. You're optimistic, you you have dreams, you have plans, but you don't know anything really, you certainly don't have miles miles on the road. You certainly don't have the wisdom yet. But you think you know everything and the world is your oyster. It really is, you know, it's it's opportunity, you know, if you're if you're given if you're given the opportunity to see opportunity, and I certainly, even though I had a challenging family life, I still saw the opportunity, my opportunity is I'm going to I'm going to get out of this and I'm going to have a functioning family and I'm going to be the dad that my dad wasn't you know, these were all the things and so I was you know I remember 25 being I'm an adult now this you know, and I talked to my my I got a 20 year old now and he said that what are you talking about? 25 that's not even you haven't even started yet. And so for me though, 25 was I better get serious, I better get serious about life. And so I had it mapped out I had it planners, here's a school I was going to go to and here's the degree I was going to get and this is what I was going to do with it and here's the company and and it was all going more or less according to plan and met the you know the life partner of my dreams and my wife and my soul partner nuclear Family so you can check the boxes, and then boom. 20 years later, everything that you envision for your life comes true 20 years later, and it's not enough.


Mark  20:17

Right? I plant? Wow, it's like, I've been going 20 years down the trail. And like, I'm so long on this trail, I can't remember the last fork in the road to only realize that, oh, wait a minute, maybe this isn't the right trail. Maybe I'm not even close to the right trail. And it was so long ago, when I was looking at the forks in the road, I don't even know what the other trail would look like. Because I think what you said, from my perspective, is, is worth highlighting that it is the real possibility that you can succeed according to the plan, to the point where outsiders and even yourself think all the winds all W's absolute dominance, and only to realize or to have a growing sense of dissatisfaction. That is almost undignified trouble, because it doesn't even seem appropriate. Like ever. Like, I especially remember people when I was much younger. I'm mad at you. You gotta accompany this age, man. I can't imagine you know, I'm older than you and man, look at all you've done. Yeah, I guess I am pretty awesome. I'm always feel like it. But you know? Sure. And then like, didn't you click off 20 more years and sort of like, well, the advantage of ages gone. So I better be performing. And it's so it's I think it is easy? Well, not easy. I think it's probably common, that a lot of people who've gotten in some great performance habits, pursuing a lot of great stuff, by objective concerns, find themselves trying to figure out a very big problem that's hiding somewhere inside them that they have a hard time naming or even admitting is there. But I think what you're pointing to and what I've experienced, and I've seen with other people is that it is truly the elephant in the room, that it's not small, that it has to be unpacked. And if it doesn't, bad things are going to happen.


Ted  22:11

Mm hmm. Yeah. Well, Mark, what's worse, what's worse you? You are, you're at a place where there's a gap. Because you haven't achieved the things that you want to achieve. Okay, so you're at whatever, wherever you are, you're at this place. And you're looking around. And you there's a there's a gap between where you are and where you want to be. And whatever that brings, you know, whatever occurs for you in that moment. Is that experience any less challenging than being at a place that you plan to be? yet? The gap still exists from the place you feel you should be? Is there a difference?


Mark  23:23

Well, well, in actuality, I don't think so. But I think the tricky part about it is it when, if you if you look at the plan, and the plan is all w or l C's it's all losses you like you there's no, there's no leap of logic to say I need to change something, right? I don't make any money. I'm drunk all the time. I'm like, I get fired in the fifth time like that. Okay. Clearly, a plan for change is not a stretch, right? But if it's a but if it is, if it does look like all W's and you're like, how do I justify change and the light of what us us, ostensibly looks like success, I've got a house I've got, I've got a wife, I've got private school tuition, I've got a car payment, or two or three car payments, and a beach house or whatever, depending on your level of relative financial success, which is loosely correlated. I don't want somebody who's listening to this to think either way, like you can be struggling financially or you could be totally killing it financially. I mean, the exact same spot that we're talking about. Mm hmm.


Ted  24:21

Yeah, yeah. And to have a plan and achieve the plan, and have doubts that it was the right plan right now, over over a course of a lifetime. That becomes very real when you hit midlife. And the miles in front of you are when you get to a place where the miles in front of you or behind you are as much as the miles in front of you. You've got an interesting perspective on the plan.


Mark  25:00

I couldn't agree more. I'm very much a midway point myself. And so it's very, it just changed the game. I do, I do feel very fortunate I've got a fair share of duties and a share of ELLs. Man I got, I got definitely made paid a lot of tuition and learned a lot and gained a lot of experience if experience is defined by the things you get when you don't get what you want. And so, you know, I've, I feel very fortunate in it. But I think the bar goes up, I think the sense of like, you know, it's halftime, like, we only got two more quarters to figure this out. Yeah. And so I think that, that I really kind of, and I look at kids, and I think about how the future seems so infinite to them, you know, the ability to waste not waste, but spend time on games and fun and doing things like you know, there's plenty of time to get efficient plenty of time to solve big problems, you know, we, you know, we're just laughing having fun right now. Like, I, I, it's harder for me right now to justify that. Because like, it's like, well, it's game time. it's game time. Like there's there's wins and losses out there. And, and I frankly, think that and I'm working a lot on balancing that out, save unpack my part of the journey, because, you know, that's its own separate part. But I do think that all that to say, I think age plays a real game. factor in the game of increasing the pressure, collecting a lot of lessons that can end wounds that can hang over you to, to really cloud the direction and take away the sense of infinite optimism and intimate infinite options. So I'm curious. Essential symmetry. Tell us about that.


Ted  26:39

Yeah, yeah. Well, this is connected to say, this is connected to from for my rock bottom. Okay, so here we are, are you where you should be? Are you where you want to be? And what is it that is going to lead what's going to make the future any different than the past? If if the definition of success is everything that's been done. And by my own definition, I have achieved a lot of the things in life that I've wanted to achieve, up until this point. When it's a, it's still not enough, and the next plan is being laid out. And we set plans, we're entrepreneurs, we always are setting plans, and it's good. What do we do to make sure that this time, this time, the destination is going to be what we intended to experience. And maybe that's more as I'm talking this through mark, maybe it's maybe it's the intention of what the plan is going to bring? Right? We all have this score, there's a scoreboard at the end of it, you either, you know, there's an amount of money you want in the bank, or there's a you know, a bucket, this bucket list items that we want to check off whatever that happens to be to enact. And that could be more time with family more, you know, freedom of time, freedom of relationships, these sorts of things. How can we really be sure that our plan is going to take us to a place where our experience when we're there is what we expected it to be? And this could probably open up a whole other can of worms on Well, how do you know, what's your feeling, on this case? 10 years from now, how is you know, how is my 16 year old self going to know how, you know, how does my 50 year old self start to know what my 60 year old self is gonna feel like, fair enough. But I know that I can't beat my 20 year old self and a foot race. But I can still run a race. And so I don't need to run as fast. But I want to, you know, I still want to be able to run. And so what essential symmetry is. And EOS has been very helpful in me trying to articulate this. One of the brilliant things about EOS is how simple it is. And that it's based on timeless principles that have been true for 100 years. And they'll be true for 100 more years. technology doesn't change the principles in Eos. But there's another part of EOS as well. That is there. We don't we don't talk about it. It's not that it's not the words that are promoted. But it's it's the principles inside EOS are essential. And so what does essential symmetry means it means that regardless of your circumstances in life, regardless of your your gender, your age, right any other measurement of how we're, this is a whole other topic and I know identities now. We're humans. That's it, at least in my book, we're humans. And there are a handful of things that are essential to human beings being fulfilled, I believe this. And so what essential symmetry is? Are we clear on what those essential few things are? And they're simple. But Are we clear on them? And when we're clear on them, are they forming part of our plan? Are they forming part of our definition of what we're spending our time on. And so the symmetry, the essential symmetry is, when we do, it's putting First things first, we have the essential parts of our life that we're putting first. And by putting those things first, the balance, and the harmony follows. And so whatever one's plan is, and I'm the first one to say, if you've got a talent or a gift, then you're able to cure cancer. And that's going to be what you go to school for. And, you know, that's going to be your mission in life. That's what you're here for. Wonderful. Do it in the framework of what's essential for you, that will lead you to balance and harmony, when you get the cure for cancer. Right? When, when that when that occurs that in so because I think all of the other stuff mark is just what we do. I think it's just what we do.


Mark  32:01

So what are the essentials? What are the things that we need to have in that recipe?


Ted  32:04

Right, in the center of it is purpose. Understanding what your purpose is, what my purpose is, why are we walking the planet? Why are we taking up space and consuming air? Which I recently read a book word, apparently breathing too much air. But again, another another story?


Mark  32:28

So what are some examples of purposes as in this perspective?


Ted  32:32

Okay, well, I've done a lot of work on this. So for me, my purpose is to inspire leaders to achieve success on purpose. And what that means for me, without getting into all of the details about it, I've spent my life doing what maybe I was influenced to do by the neighborhood that I was brought up in the schools that I went to, you know, what my parents suggested, I should take what the, you know, what the media of the day is saying, where, you know, the area in the world that I was born, the, where I'm going to make the most money, you know, all of these drivers that really are arbitrary. And, and, at a flip of a coin, you know, we won the lottery, you know, Mark, by being born, where we were born, you know, there's 5 billion people that did not, weren't quite so lucky in that regard. And so, you know, the fact that we can be on this podcast using the technology that we're using right now, is a benefit and we're fortunate for it. Purpose is cutting through that purpose is going a layer, a layer or two or 10 deeper than that, and really looking beyond what seems to be a menu of limited options on what we should do in this life. And it takes some work it takes some work it doesn't it's this isn't something that you're given the manual for, you know, here, you're born into a certain situation and you have you move you maneuver through that situation and along the way, you you know, hopefully the you know, luck shining on you, but there are, there are pivotable pivotal moments in one's life. I truly believe you know, serendipity. It's sometimes called but if we choose not to turn take the left turn instead of the easier obvious turn and we're just delaying that. That purpose, we're just delaying finding that thing that we're here to do. Purpose


Mark  34:52

comes up a lot and I'm, yeah, I've seen it on and not to, not to dismiss it in any way. It's my point is Like core values, like when I started working with a client walking through core values, like, Are you tired of core values? Is that Oh, yes, well, too bad. Because it's you gotta get this. And so purpose is the same kind of thing. And it shows up in business. And it shows up in leadership. And it shows up on Super soul Sunday with Oprah Winfrey. And which I love By the way, I can't get enough of it. I cry every single time. So So I think there's something to this, but I used to do hit it on the on the certainly encapsulated like, it's it's, it's not there's no manual for it. And it didn't seem like it anyway. And I certainly counsel people when they're on the path, it's like, Look, you know, don't get frustrated. If it's not, it's not right the first time. And if you think you got something that's great, don't get don't be surprised if you tweak it in a in a week or a month or a year. And you there's some new revelation that goes with it. What is your advice for people sort of trying to get this purpose conversation started with themselves?


Ted  35:51

Yeah, yeah. I can't. You're right, Mark. And I've tried to think of different words, right? Like, let's use it, let's put some sizzle around this, like, okay, purpose, what else is it? And it is, it is what it is. And here's the problem. And we use this to describe core values, as you just said, We, one of the first ways we will set up core values is to say, you know, we'll give, we'll give the credit to Jim Collins, and good to great are built to last and where he found out that the successful companies out there had strong cultures, okay, so culture is overused, great, let's call it core values, that's a new term. And outdated goes and so you need your core values, which really means you have a strong culture, and how do you do that? Well, those are the steps that will, you know, we talked about the right people, and sharing core values, purpose. And we also often say core values have been overused, they become marketing terms, they're tried, they don't mean anything. And the word, the words don't mean what they used to, but when used properly, extremely powerful. Well, that's the way I feel about purpose. And this is something that you just helped me kind of land on as well. The word has become overused, it's become trite, it's become flavor of the day. And it's also become some mantra, or, you know, calling card to the latest self help feel better about yourself. movement, and it's because it sells and it's, you know, right now mindfulness is is very popular, you know, and, and so and wonder, you know, great that it is because it's getting to a broader, it's getting to a broader market and will help a broader, a broader market of people, although it's been around for 1000s of years. For it to really work, though, you know, it's not just flavor of the month, it's not just I'm going to try to meditate, you know, this month, this is gonna be my 2021. My resolution is I'm going to meditate everyday in 2021 until the next thing comes out in 2022. And so I think this has happened with purpose, and it gets thrown out as, live your purpose. And then there's a whole bunch of a whole bunch of BS around you can be and do whatever you want to do. That's what that's what, that's what, that's where it starts to go. And it's it's this hope it's hanging out this hope for you which, right now what you're doing, that's just a matter of changing your frame of mind. You can do anything and I can tell you what, I am very sure that you and I are not going to start anytime soon at center for the Los Angeles Lakers. I can tell you that is not going to happen.


Mark  39:08

lesson is less than a 75% chance for me.



Yeah, yeah, I learned a


Mark  39:12

lesson 5% chance for you right?


Ted  39:15

Yeah, yeah. So so and you know, I would use a hockey hockey analogy because that was my sport. But you know, I thought I was gonna be in the NHL and I thought I was good enough and had you know maybe maybe I did have the talent maybe I certainly didn't have the work ethic as I look back on it now because I I see that you know, someone I do know that is did did play professional and now I saw looking at it straight up what it takes, you know, in anything, if you're going to reach the top of your game, you know, it requires three things you You had better have a strong passion for something you know if you're going to reach the top of your game You had better have a work ethic, right? Because, you know, we hear about LeBron James work ethic and a whole bunch all the top of the top in any sport, they work harder than most the other guys on the on the team, or girls on the team. One thing we don't have control of is our talent.


Mark  40:19

Yeah, exactly.


Ted  40:20

Right, you need all three of those things, you need all three of those things. Now fortunately, there's more to do than just become a professional basketball player or a, or a celebrity, you know, this is what gets thrown up at us right now is the important things to, you know, to try to achieve. But I think what gets overlooked and so using celebrities and sports as an example, because people can relate to it. Those those individuals, if you like them or not, if you like the sport or not, or if you like the the the celebrity or not. They very well are extremely talented at what they're doing among the most talented in the world, who clearly have a passion to be the best, whatever it is, and work really hard to do it. I don't like the whole story behind the Kardashians, I can't say that I don't like the Kardashians, because I don't know them. But the story to me is off putting. And that's my own problem. What I can appreciate, though, because recently, I've been trying to attend some social media courses, you know, how do you manage this social media? They're brilliant at it. And so I can't I, you know, I've learned I can learn a lot from them if I choose to look at it. So I think every, every human being on the planet can be the best in the world. That's something


Mark  41:58

what you hit something into this kind of clicked for me and it we've heard a lot about the idea of our parents have been telling us we can do anything we want. And the toxicity that goes with that sort of ignorance and entitlement perhaps that I but I had a moment that clicked for me that that's not the real danger, at least in the entrepreneurial world, that might be the danger in in sort of a complacent middle of the road, mediocre world, but like people who are driven for, for some sense of performance, who have that in the back of their mind, where it goes awry, is taking on other people's objectives and having the belief that you could be good at kind of anything out of obligation, not out of sort of ignorance of the difficulty because entrepreneurs, by and large, I mean, some of the most successful ones are actually very lazy. So that's because they learn quickly to delegate, they learn quickly to build process, they learn quickly to automate, and they are successful. As a result, the ones who were diligent get so busy, they get stuck quickly, and they feel like they have to do and this is a whole Strategic Coach thing about they're trying to figure out how to do it themselves rather than sort of letting go and and delegating and finding the who is the better fit for that. So if you have this belief that you've that you can do anything, and you've got more and more things ending on your desk that you think you should do. There's no stopping cue to say like, that's not a good decision. And so that creates a real and I've definitely experienced this myself and an entrepreneur friends in eeob. When you start your business, whatever level it is most some businesses, I have a friend who got their business up to like 3 million in the first year. But that's not normal. It's not that, well, maybe it is. But it's certainly not all the cases, so many people over the first three or four years are working past through the 800 $900 million. And so two or three years into the business, they were most of the work themselves, the idea that they had a choice of what work they could do was ridiculous. They had to do it all and they were happy to do it, no matter how crappy the work was, well, three years into the business. Somebody says something to you like, What What work do you want to do? You're like, Well, what do you mean? What's, what's your what's your highest and best use talent? What do you mean? What do you need? what needs to get done? I don't understand the question. Yeah. And so you know, when you're really saying, Okay, well, what are you great at is a visionary who could be doing better work than you at selling well, nobody can better sell better than me. Well, that might be true in the moment, but that's a problem. And we have to take a step back into this and taking all the way back to purpose. That's like that's a journey across the Grand Canyon. That is a very, very big journey to make.


Ted  44:37

Well, it is in and we've got everything working, you know, in the opposite direction. So I entrepreneurs. The wonderful thing about entrepreneurial ism is it's it is a bit of a calling, right. I think for the successful entrepreneurs, at least the ones that I know, that's what they were going to be, you know, So they were fortunate enough that that destiny found them that they didn't have to think too hard, whether or not they were going to do their own thing. And you can look at all the different sort of, you know, characteristics of did they stay in school? Or did they get bored all I'm not talking about any of that I'm just, you know, someone who's got a real, you know, a real yearning to, to build something, be their own person or be their own boss. entrepreneurs have that opportunity. And that's a, that's a relatively small percentage of the of the population. And there was a time when I, you know, I thought, you know, what everybody needs to think like an entrepreneur. And the reality is no, you don't need everyone thinking like an entrepreneur, otherwise, we'd have a bunch of people run around looking for the who's and you know, who would actually do it. And so, I think the entrepreneurs have a bit of a head start in this regard. Because they're willing to, they know they want to they know, they want to be one, it just now the question is, what should I be an entrepreneur of? What business should I be in? What should I do, and then a number of things can happen here. Number one, you can just, you know, we're very, we're, we're victims of our circumstances. And so you start a business where there's some need in your area, okay, now, those walls are coming down now, and the world is opening up, which is great. But then you go, and you do it, and then you you become a tactician, and you, you do your best to build a strong business and you bring us in and, and you get the right people and and you really work to get yourself in the right place. And you actually do it, right, you actually do it, and you build this business. And then 20 years goes by, and I see this all the time, where, once these owners are these visionaries, they they get their business, and this is what we do in EOS, they get them under control. And then now guess what? What they imagined their experience to be when they got to the finish line isn't what they envisioned it to be. And it's the business is fine, they've got money. But their spousal relationship isn't all of a sudden, now they've got some time to spend on it. It isn't what what they thought it is, their relationship with their kids or their friends, something is just not worked along the way. And now they find themselves at is at a point and age isn't this isn't about age, necessarily. They're now at a point though, where all of the things that consume them about building a business, making payroll and all the rest of it that is solid, now you are alone with yourself, even if you're surrounded by 50 people that you're paying, or that you're that are your family, and but now you are alone with yourself, and what does that look like? If within that entrepreneurial journey, it was just about building the best widget in order to, you know, help people, if that's what you do, or provide a provide a service to a need. And but at the end of the day, the byproduct is money. If it wasn't aligned with purpose, that's either at the beginning or somewhere along the way, there will be a gap, there will be a void in that entrepreneurs life. And that's what starts to happen, what they do after the fact is, they start to look for all these interesting things to get involved with. And it doesn't necessarily it doesn't, it doesn't float their boat, it doesn't fill them up. And so this is a critical time coming out of that business where purpose purpose matters. For that entrepreneur, going back, had they taken the time and the steps not to just build a business around what's you know that right now big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning, gotta get that so my son says that I'm going to find a way into this industry because guess what, so tell me what it is you love about this? Yeah, right. And well, that's not the point. It's just gonna make some money in a way we'll go. And I think that's what happens most of the time. And so if we can really find that thing that truly is truly is our purpose. Not only are we going to be a more successful entrepreneur, you know, not only will we be more successful faster, without maybe as many hiccups and heartaches along the way in the beginning, but we are likely to stay with it longer. We are likely to come out of the other side with relationships intact, we are likely to make a bigger impact on the world because what we are here to Do and design to do we tend to amplify as we get success with it.


Mark  50:05

Yeah, I can't agree more I had a client that we they had been working, they've been running on iOS for a few years before I started working with them. I worked with them for about two years, and probably six months to a year into the process, we're talking about their core focus in the business, which is the purpose of the business combined with the niche where they focus the work they do, specifically, and those combinations are so important. And they've been tinkering with it. It wasn't. It wasn't it didn't feel right. But somewhere, somebody said something about like, Well, you know, you've always been a teacher, the founder of the company, and it was like the room to sort of like, wait a minute, this is an accounting and, and and, you know, in a financial services company in terms of bookkeeping and financial advisory, and it was like, everything has shifted. It's like what No, no, the purpose of this company is teaching. And it she is a teacher, and that everything she needs to be teaching every minute of every day. And this and the processes throughout this organization need to be her legacy of teaching. And it was a total light lightbulb moment of everything was different. It wasn't it was no longer about accounting. It was about teaching. They happen to be in this case, through accounting. And so the whole value proposition and the roles were very, very different. And that was that was something that took, I don't know, that was a 15 year journey for her to finally click that they should be only be doing things. Yes, it should give her an opportunity to teach that. And that was huge.


Ted  51:30

Yes, yes. Yes, Mark, I, I don't know what it is raised. My string of sessions is, you know, every either quarterly or annual, we'll review that, that VTL. And that, and we'll take a look at the core focus and ask the question is this. And I don't know how many times I can tell you I get you know, you kind of get a little bit of that. Yeah, put the checkmark beside it. Let's move on. And then we'll say, you know, at least I'll say the say, well, let's make sure we're making decisions with it in mind is not distracting us, and we know the things they should be doing with it. And and then you move on, and you go to the next question. And lately, though, and I don't know, maybe it's maybe it is me, and maybe I didn't do the best job, I could have it initially setting this up for these for these teams, really slowing down and creating space? To answer the why to really answer the why. And when they hit it, just to your point. It's, it's it's like the light bulb just came on. And it's a game changer. It's a game changer. And and I just think what can we do? What can we do to get that sooner? What can we do to get better earlier? Does it take? Do you have to go? You have to walk the hard miles? Like is it necessary to get the scars? Or can we can we find a hack? You know, is there a Is there a? Is there a purpose hack?


Mark  52:54

I'm convinced there is? And I don't know that we've got it figured out? I mean, maybe you do have the list of archetypal purposes. I know people have the system of archetypal wise, which is in the pot in the ballpark of that?


Ted  53:05

Well, yeah, I mean, I've done a lot of work on this. And I, it's we have to first of all become clear with with what, what has been driving us. That's the first step. So what what what's been driving us to this point? Is, have we been motivated? Are we being driven by fear? For some reason? You know, is there something that's that's that, you know, we don't want that we've experienced in our life? And so it's causing us to make certain decisions? are we are we motivated, you know, by peers? Is there some, you know, standing of peers that are that are, you know, driving and motivating us? Are we motivated by material items? Are we trying to keep up with the Joneses? And so there's a handful of what if we really stopped and asked ourselves, what and make a list of the things that are driving us. That's the first start. And we and then when when when we become clear on that, we will see that we are not necessarily driving our own bus. We are not necessarily driving our own bus. And it's that self awareness that then starts to lead us to well, if something outside of us is driving us, what do we do to change it? And that's when we have to take a look at ourselves and back to what makes for World Class athletes a talent. So what are our talents? And there's only a handful of them, what are they? What are the talents that we have? What are the things that we could spend hours doing with how about interruption and the end? It just goes by like that. Like that's it That's leading you towards your WHY? And then what are your strengths? What what what is it that you've worked on? You know, we all have strengths that we've worked on, you know, you've clearly I'm guessing this is an assumption you might have been great from the beginning. But this podcast may be a little smoother than the first one you ever did. And so, and I know this is true for my experience, and pretty much everything. So we've developed some strengths, that we can say, you know, what we're, we are good at this, like we this, someone looks at it and says, Well, you know, you are really good at that. And that's a hint to if someone is observing that you have a way of doing something that is mind blowing to them, because they can understand how you make it look so easy. That's a hint. And then there's your experiences. So don't dismiss the value you got out of school, whatever it is, what was that favorite subject that you had? All of these things? are indicators. And this is what I mean, even by the, you know, by the serendipity of it all the people that get introduced into your life in the situations that get introduced into your life, do you acknowledge those four opportunities? Or do you dismiss them as coincidences or something that you just don't have time for right now, these are some of the checklist items mark that I think any of us can just take the time to take to take an inventory of, and then start to do the hard work on creating patterns in, in a life in your life, where you are doing everything you can to work towards areas that leverage your strengths, utilize your talents, bring credence to your experiences and expertise, you know, where you really are unique, you really are unique, and then what starts to happen. And you've You and I have both experienced this in Eos. However, we've all found our way to the EOS community. When we get there together, and this podcast right now with you and I as you know, is evidence of this. You start to attract and magnify your why. And the more you The more you give it, the more it like attracts


Mark  57:34

like yeah, I mean, and we don't need to go to the the secret. That's a whole other debate. Yeah, yeah. I don't know, sit like does it track like, and you definitely give back a lot of or get back what you give. And so I think as a ton, there's a resonance factor getting out of your own way. And one of the things that you said I think is worth calling out. And that is, when you find yourself, doing things that seem easy that other people say is impressive. I think like I've mentioned, I think it's before we started recording, and the idea of a lazy entrepreneur, being a more successful than a diligent entrepreneur, and there's some science to support some of this. And that's a good a good, properly motivated, lazy entrepreneur is somebody who understands right away to do as little work as possible and delegate and outsource and process eyes and do all that kind of thing. And if you say somebody said that's a really high value thing, and just gets really easy. The lazy entrepreneurs like, Yeah, perfect, I'll do that. The diligent entrepreneur is like, Oh, well, it's easy. And so I shouldn't be doing it because I need to do the hard stuff. Because the easy stuff can be done by, you know, by people who can do that. And so it's, I think there's a really big association with, especially bootstrap entrepreneurs, with the work they're doing, and, and hardness on it, the difficulty of it and trying to get other people to do also do difficult work that they don't like doing, and you created this whole concept of, okay, that's why they call it work, you know, everybody needs to be doing hard stuff at the same time. And it's like, actually, that's not the case. That's what we discovered is actually the opposite. That what you want to do is put somebody to do hard work, that's easy for them. And you have to have that sort of polarity connection, the positive needs to plug into the negative, you keep trying to put the positive in the positive like the magnets, they keep repelling each other. So to get this to work you do the easy, the person who thinks it's easy to do the hard work is that's the right connection. And I don't think that's intuitive for people who are brought up with that production, hands dirty mentality for any reason that they managed to encounter that belief system. Yeah,


Ted  59:39

yeah, I couldn't agree. I couldn't agree more mark, and this is the entrepreneurs, your audience has, you know, everything that we've been talking about most of what we've been talking about with, with the why and the purpose and core focus, that fortunately they have freedom to be able to pursue these things. You know, I realized that As a segment, you know, if someone's got to pay the bills and make rent, I mean, it's not easy to sit around thinking, boy, if I could do anything that I know, to leverage my strength, what would I do? Well, I have to get to work I have to perform, I'm tired when I get home. So this, the entrepreneur that really does have this opportunity, and if they think about, so these aren't your these are the owners that are listening to your podcast, and the leadership teams that are listening to your podcast. That owner, regardless of what their skills are, like some of them as you know, you've seen that they're, they're those great visionaries, and they're just I mean, they are all about the next big thing. And we've got, they're out there. And they're, they're working on figuring it out. If they're that type, then to your point, find someone that can do the nitty gritty, because it's not you, it's not likely you. But we also have those entrepreneurs that are just extremely bright, technically have a skill have an aptitude. And they are running companies. Same thing? No. If that's their sweet spot, you know, if they're really in their sweet spot as it pertains to their business, that's where they're going to get the maximum impact. That's where they're going to get the maximum value, and at the same time, start to be open and attract others to do the things that quite frankly, you're not as well suited to do as others maybe, even if you think you are,


Mark  1:01:24

yeah. So after having, you know, it's really kind of stirred the pot a lot. For this in this conversation about purpose, II, Mike keeps going to work like what what's the what's the piece of advice? What do what do you tell somebody who's still trying to figure this out? And I think it comes back to trying an observation. And there's a real even in us, we talked about the clarity break. And the clarity break to me, is nothing more than pausing for observation time. You know, you get any build habits you get going and and you have to go back and observe. What am I doing? Which is actually not an obvious question, right? Don't forget to ask that question. What am I actually doing? Because you may not be aware? And then go Look, look at your calendar, look at your email, what am I doing? And then is it working? And is it and is it going the right direction? Do I need to make changes? So there's some habits, there's some patterns? Am I seeing do i do i need to do something different? And I think that's the kind that's the time when you say, Okay, what what am what am I doing is the right thing? Am I if I do more of that, well, I feel more fulfilled? And have I been fulfilled in the past? And am I walking the journey out of obligation is, am I following somebody else's path? I saw entrepreneurs do this all the time, you would think that independent thinkers would not do this. But what I think happens is for a lot of entrepreneurs, and you alluded to this, you check off the first round of boxes, like somewhere in high school or growing up, you got a collection of boxes to the house to marriage is a job, it's a car to something, and somewhere in your 20s 30s or 40s. You got them all. And then it's like, well, where where do I go now? And I think if you died right, then you would have died happen. Like I would have like right when I heard my first round of boxes, and my first business I actually was really, really fulfilled. Yeah, it was only after that when the when I had like a blank sheet of paper. And I didn't have the same set of childhood dreams to go after I had to go put them on the list. And so where do I go, I get them from my peers and from the TV and from other places, and in truth, and I counsel my clients all the time on this, like don't get confused when you went to your friend's ranch. It's an awesome ranch. That doesn't mean you need a ranch. And he has a ranch, you know, and so like, that's the beak. Yes, it's an awesome Ranch, I get why someone would want a ranch. But before you put that on your list, let's let's let's look into your heart and make sure we're because there's a sacrifice for that. And as we were talking, talking earlier, the time is running out and is if you're going to get maximum return on your investment. Let's make sure we're really aligned with your with what you do well, and look back and ask yourself, you know, what is worth sacrificing for? You know, you talked about hockey, you know, is if you're gonna in my parallels music, actually. So we talked about that. Going to music, school talent is permission to play. Yeah, everybody who was in that school had some sense of talent. 92% of the people in that school, we're going to be teachers after the remaining 8% are successful as all get out. Yeah. What's the difference? It wasn't talent at all diligence, commitment, the love of the grind. They were they were in a place where they could compete and enjoyed the expense, essentially the grind, they enjoy the time in the gym. That was gratifying for them. And so that's that starts to become deep work of what is up everybody loves to use the word passion. And passion has come to mean like excitement. Passion means loud. It's not it. Passion is really fundamentally the ability and the commitment to suffer for something that you feel a commitment to. Yeah. And so understanding passion is your willingness to suffer for something. That's the rewarding and fulfilling? And that is not obvious work. I don't think for many people, especially if you grew up halfway privileged,


Ted  1:05:09

yeah, no. And Mark, you're right, it's entrepreneur. Let's use using entrepreneurs as the example here, with almost a blank slate of what what, what could one do And to your point, think about it, like going to the, you know, to, you know, Music Music School and like you said 8% wildly successful and what, what makes them successful, you know, that grip that just determination to get there, but obviously, you know, a lot of it, you know, hopefully the arc on that is, we don't, you know, you don't find those tortured souls, and there's all too many of them. And musicians tend to, you know, are subject to this more than most, and maybe because of, you know, their creativity, well, how many of them sabotage, you know themselves before, you know, before way too young? And why is that? Why is that because maybe they have the talent, they have the passion, they have the determination, you know, that for a while it was you know, the road was fine. And they were doing writing some great songs, and whatever it is. And then one day, all of a sudden, it's like, I don't think I want to be here anymore. What do you know, and I know, it's a little bit extreme, but I think the stakes are high here as well, because we didn't, we didn't touch on this today. But, you know, we're not talking about the pandemic right now. And we're not talking about, you know, the, the polarity of the world. And it's, it's not uniquely American, you know, here so that, you know, as a Canadian, and I'm, you know, in the in America a lot, this is a global thing, this is this is not uniquely Western, either, we are in a period of significant at the same time, significant stability, with the underpinnings of real worrisome instability, Never before has the, the world been been better off, you know, and this doesn't, this is hard to you, you don't see this in the media, but less people are hungry, there's less wars, less people are dying, right? It's better, like the longevity is better worldwide, infant mortality, child mortality is better worldwide, all the indicators are ticking in the right directions, that we are actually making good progress as human beings. So here's the great thing, entrepreneurs have an opportunity to continue to support that, and continue to have that develop. But what are the motivating factors for us to do that? And this is where this is uniquely Western? What do we have to complain about right now? You know, really, what is there to to, to strive for? Right? What are we trying to do? Like? What, why is someone starting a business right now is the motivation to make as much money as possible. I mean, I'm looking at you shared with you earlier about my recent interest in social media. And there are some people making millions of dollars on YouTube. And by expressing the fact that it's all about the blank, it's all about the blank. And it's all about making, you know, driving your Ferrari and your rolls in your bed and all of it, right, and you just have to listen to popular music and pop culture right now, that is a lot of what's driving this. And so is the motivation of these entrepreneurs, either aspiring entrepreneurs or current ones that you and I work with, right now and others that you know, all the, you know, millions of entrepreneurs around the world, what is the motivation? Right, what what is the Is it is it to make the next you know, the next buck. So, here's this is where the work that I think that you're doing, and that EOS is doing from the from the standpoint of supporting these entrepreneurs, we're gonna have to get to a place where we are looking to, you know, create for the, for the reasons for the right reasons. And yes, money is the byproduct I get it. But in an era post COVID, with a lot of things moving to not needing human beings and with an era of the next generation coming up having experienced a pretty good life. there's a there's a there's a delta between I think what's going to be, you know, the, the process, how much prosperity we've had over the last 20 years, then the next 20 is going to take something a little different in our, you know, in our attitudes or in our, in our in what's driving us than the previous 20. And I think entrepreneurs, for those that choose the Choose the journey are in a perfect place to help make that good news.


Mark  1:10:26

I couldn't agree more. And I think that's a good point to kind of pivot. And I think there's, there's a couple of spots, but you know, I think we can wrap it up around this concept. I do believe that we are on that pivot point of, I think the world has largely begun to transition, you talked about entrepreneurship not not being for not being good for everybody I have a different view in entrepreneurship, to me is simply the willingness to take the broken pieces parts scattered before you and make something better out of what you've got. And it is it isn't it is not like getting in line and getting was giving to you it's the creativity to make something better, even though you weren't given something better. And and so I think that means scrapping your way to your own better life, scrapping your own way to your better solutions. And I think that means an entrepreneurial economy of people consuming talent, not from college programs that are so predictable, but from people who can demonstrate that they can get the job done in the you know, in the gig economy, and from people, independent contractors, and Fiverr, and all that. And I think those things are really going to continue to explode to just being platforms for people to showcase their entrepreneurial, entrepreneurial ability to put their their talents out on display, which does two things, it actually puts the onus on you to be viable commercially at all, you have to be top of your game, which means you have to be playing with your talents and passion. Also, he just said so you're pretty soon is not going to be a luxury to for you to just get to the end of your life and realize you missed your your calling, you're going to be confronted in your teens that you are not going to have any income if you don't already know this. And so I think that's a factor. And I also do think that the millennials have already I mean, the notorious millennials, I mean, it's much broader than that have already challenged and we know that like old world companies like all these kids, you know, they're just so lazy and what we what you and I probably already encountered, it's like now they just want you to have a purpose like to show up with someone with a reason to work and not nice, that paycheck isn't enough, they can get a paycheck anywhere, yes, you better show up with something that makes a difference that aligns with their talents, and where they think the world should end up. And so the game is raised. And so this pivot you're describing is, you know, we're kind of unpacking how to get good at this 20 years from now, it will be table stakes. Yeah. And I think we're going into that entrepreneurial, purpose driven expectation, not just uncovering of it's going to be an expectation.


Ted  1:12:53

Yes, yes, Mark. And I, what you've just described to me, is an expanded definition of entrepreneur. That's what you've just, that's what I heard. And, and because I think, and I don't have the Webster's dictionary in front of me, but I at least my connotation there was in when I was, you know, way back Go and does taking my business school, there was one entrepreneurial course, right? Just one, and it really was our Do you want to, you know, you don't want to work for someone else. That was kind of what it was, right? You're you're out there, you're on the edge. You're like entrepreneurial, and it sound I was like this big badge of honor. Right. And, but it was also scary at the same time. And so I think what you've just described is accurate. And it doesn't mean maybe the definition we have of it today of well, an entrepreneur starts a company hires people, hires more people builds a big company and or whatever size is big for them. And then is, you know, goes around doing getting interviewed on podcasts and you know, espousing all the good things they do. To your point yes, now that are there's there may be an opportunity like never before the gig economy, great, great example. If we do tap into those, you know, get back to that purpose and we get the right training and we're in you know, and and we follow a you know, a master that's kind of has the wisdom because there's no education for that. There are a few things that what you really do, you really could have an opportunity and maybe you've given me some something to think about right now. Maybe it's a lot more accessible. This finding your purpose through entrepreneurial ism, the expanded definition, because now I can be sitting in my house wherever I am. And I have a global market to be able to find that niche where they can really value the thing that I'm uniquely qualified to do that I love to do and I'm great at so


Mark  1:14:58

well. I think you're right. I think the market Ability side is infinite like it's really you can really go laser focus, you can say I have a talent for technical writing for science, science fiction, whatever, you know, in Chinese, like there's a market for that because you can access the world that does not alleviate the burden of discovering your passion, it gives you an opportunity to test it, it gives you an opportunity to market it you there's lots of options out there. But in many ways that can be more overwhelming. Because now kind of how many colors do you want to paint with? Like, you know, whatever spectrum you want to have access to, you can imagine you can you can work with it, as opposed to, like, if you were looking for your passion, 50 years ago, or 100 years ago, I was like, do you want to be teacher? Do you want to be law enforcement? Do you want to be a warrior? Do you want to be healer? And to some extent, actually, I think that's those are the archetypes. We still live in healer warrior in reinforcer teacher. And I do think that, that it could be a smart way to filter your own passions, like do you defend, you want to protect? Do you want to enforce? Do you do want to heal? Do you want to teach? I'm a teacher that is actually mine. And that really goes into how I manifest so


Ted  1:16:13

yeah, yeah, I, I think we can the the the archetypes that are available to us now. And the example that just recently came up this week to, to your point, the the GameStop, fiasco, right, and Robin Hood, and you know, the Emperor having no clothing. Very interesting to see. Now how that gets dealt with will be interesting, there's institutions that, you know, we need to be able to count on things. And at the end of the day, the business is valuable in the long run, or it's not. But yeah, to see the, again, the movement of a crowd and and maybe uncovering a little bit of shade Enos, that's that's that, you know, we're suspicious of, you get enough, you get enough movement in the right direction, with the right reason to move in the right direction. And it's a little, you know, maybe right now, Mark, we're just going through some of the, this is the messy part, you know, this is the messy part as, as, you know, the the, these we're starting to peel the layers of the onion back. And but clearly there are those out there exercising, you know, they're, they're, what they're feeling is their right to, to express and express themselves. And I agree,


Mark  1:17:43

and I think it's, it's such a good example, because I don't take it I don't take for granted. And I wouldn't recommend any take take for granted the fact that my 19 year old daughter, who has a robin hood account that we set it together, got an email or some kind of text message from a friend about that as it was going down. And she and at the time, she said, What do you know about the drama with with Robin Hood, and I was busy doing other things I didn't know a thing. And I said, All I know is this, my 19 year old daughter has a robin hood account with money and her friends are talking about it for the win. Like they're in high school or college. Rather, they're investing and they have access to that.



Yeah, like,


Mark  1:18:17

I mean, there's a whole ripple effect of of issues that you could talk about, but I'm like, it's a new world. It's a totally new world. And that part of it is a good thing.


Ted  1:18:25

Yeah, it is, it really is. And that's why I am optimistic about the future in general. Because I think the platform like this and like others are they're trying to get that that message out, though, you know, and getting it to hit and connect. And that's where it coming back to the essential, the essential symmetry that we can't go wrong if we if we stay with the fundamentals, you know, if we, if we stay with the fundamental, you know, if we really ask the question, Why are Why are we here, you know, what do I What do I feel in my heart? What am I attracted to, you know, the, you know, really looking at these things,



and worldview for sure, make sure you're not getting lost and the outwards is has to match the


Ted  1:19:20

Yeah, and you know, this is be going beyond, you know, Maslow's hierarchy of needs, and, you know, survival, right. So we're, we're, we're at a unique place in, in, in history, where we're not worried about, you know, the tribe from, you know, the neighboring tribe coming over and slaughtering us, we're not worried about starving, you know, we're not worried about freezing or dehydrating. Like, those aren't worries for us, survival aren't worries for us. We're managing a global pandemic, relatively well, you know, and so, we're now actually at a stage where we can pursue the inward We're not constantly looking over our shoulder. And so I think that's what the essential pieces, we just have to get really clear on what's essential to us. And then that the symmetry part is finding that harmonious balance so that you when you're there, you know, you're there. And everything that you do is designed to keep you in that balance.


Mark  1:20:20

And I've talked to people, really, and I'm still working on it to be, I'm still working on that I'm getting there. I know people who feel like they really got that figured out. But it does appear to be a constant state of curation, that it is a matter of tending to the words tending to the there, you're learning to that to listen consistently to the inner whisper, as jack Canfield would describe it. And I do think that that's, I think, Simon Sinek would talk about sort of the emotional brain not having language. And so it's very hard to hear a part of yourself that doesn't have words to use. So that's why it's such a whisper, right? But it's about feelings about the emotional part of what's true for you, is never going to actually have words to express that. So you're just gonna have to feel your way through it. It's kind of the essence.


Ted  1:21:02

Yeah, you do. And but there's also, you know, like, when you know, that, you know, what is working, now, you know, what's working, you're getting that positive feedback loop that's happening. And so you create more of it. For me, and you know, I, as I move closer and closer to it, and for the most part, I do feel like I you know, I do have this symmetry in my life right now. It gets tested, though, it gets tested along the way, when you butt up against that feeling. That's where I become, I become more comfortable with this feeling of, okay, I've reached this point. I've reached this point. Now what the question I use SAS is I've reached this point. Now what why wasn't this good enough before now? Right. That's the way I used to look at it. Now it's, I've reached this point, then now what is I am being called to go deeper into my purpose. So I'm being called to do to just, you know, I'm maybe I'm, you know, 50% of the way there, I don't know, who knows, whatever the the miles ahead of me are. But whatever percentage I am, I'm now compelled to potentially break a few things. That seem pretty darn good right now. And that and that brings you back to bring it can bring you back to this place of discomfort. Again, I'm sure. And I am there right now, but I'm there with a lot more confidence than my first, second, third, fourth, or fifth go around with this I am now I have the I have a foundation and, and a lens to stay focused on that it's squarely up to me to take that next step to go deeper into it and protect, maybe break a couple things. But that's okay. Awesome.


Mark  1:23:05

we're about out of time. So I would love to ask you, what is your passionate plea for entrepreneurs right now?


Ted  1:23:13

My passionate plea for entrepreneurs right now is ask yourself, why you're doing what you're doing. And if that answer aligns with what it is you're doing, you're on the right track. If your y is not in alignment with your what, take some time to ask some questions, what it is that you'll need to do to to get those two things in alignment.


Mark  1:23:53

Awesome. I think that's such a perfect clarity break type of question. And and it's always something you pray about, if that's your thing, or just affirmation, ask yourself right this very minute. I said that that question could manifest in so many, so many different ways? Well, 10, I'm super grateful for the time and we went pretty deep on that subject. And I and I hope that's useful. It was certainly useful to me. And I love where we went with that. If somebody wanted to continue the conversation with you, or just kind of know what you're up to. How does somebody find you?


Ted  1:24:25

You know what, follow me on twitter at TED, Ted underscore Bradshaw. You'll find me there. You have my websites, Ted Those two places I'd love to hear from in engaging in a dialogue.


Mark  1:24:37

Awesome, man. Well, thanks. Thanks. Thanks for your time. Thanks for your gifts. Thanks for your experience. It's so valuable to me and my friends and listeners. That's it for today, everybody, so please subscribe. Don't forget to share with your friends who can use this information. And, as always, leave feedback. And we will see you next time on you're doing it wrong with me.


VO  1:24:58

This is you're doing it wrong. with Mark Henderson Leary for more episodes and to subscribe, go to